API Documentation

This part of the project documentation focuses on an information-oriented approach. Use it as a reference for the technical implementation of the pylobid project code.


main module


Bases: Exception

Broad exception if something unexpected happens.

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
class GNDAPIError(Exception):
    """Broad exception if something unexpected happens."""


Bases: ValueError

Exception raised if the GND-ID is invalid.

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
class GNDIdError(ValueError):
    """Exception raised if the GND-ID is invalid."""


Bases: Exception

Exception raised if the API returns Not Found for a GND-ID.

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
class GNDNotFoundError(Exception):
    """Exception raised if the API returns Not Found for a GND-ID."""


Main Class to interact with LOBID-API.

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
class PyLobidClient:
    """Main Class to interact with LOBID-API."""

    def factory(self):
        """Return a matching instance for the GND URL or ID.

        - Type `PlaceOrGeographicName` returns a `PyLobidPlace` instance.
        - Type `CorporateBody` returns a `PyLobidOrg` instance.
        - Type `Person` returns a `PyLobidPerson` instance.
        - Type `Work` returns a `PyLobidWork` instance.
        - All other types a `PyLobidPerson` instance

        :return: An matching object for the GND URL or Id
        :rtype: `PyLobidPlace`, `PyLobidOrg`, `PyLobidPerson`, `PyLobidPerson`
        if self.ent_dict == {}:
            raise ValueError(f"No data found for {self.gnd_url}")
        if not self.ent_type:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown type for {self.gnd_url}")
        if self.is_person:
            output = PyLobidPerson(gnd_id=None, fetch_related=self.fetch_related)
        elif self.is_org:
            output = PyLobidOrg(gnd_id=None)
        elif self.is_work:
            output = PyLobidWork(gnd_id=None)
        elif self.is_place:
            output = PyLobidPlace(gnd_id=None)
            return self
        return output

    def gnd_id(self) -> str:
        """Return the GND ID, e.g. 118650130."""
        return self.__gnd_id

    def gnd_url(self) -> str:
        """Return the GND URL e.g. http://d-nb.info/gnd/118650130"""
        return f"{self.BASE_URL}/{self.gnd_id}" if self.gnd_id is not None else False

    def is_place(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if this instance is a place entity, False otherwise."""
        return "PlaceOrGeographicName" in self.ent_type

    def is_org(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if this instance is an organization entity, False otherwise."""
        return "CorporateBody" in self.ent_type

    def is_person(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if this instance is a person entity, False otherwise."""
        return "Person" in self.ent_type

    def is_work(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if this instance is a work entity, False otherwise."""
        return "Work" in self.ent_type

    def ent_type(self) -> list:
        """Return the entity type."""
        return self.ent_dict.get("type", [])

    def same_as(self) -> list:
        """Return a list of alternative norm-data-ids."""
        return self.get_same_as()

    def alt_names(self) -> list:
        """Return a list of alternative names."""
        return self.get_alt_names()

    def pref_name(self) -> str:
        """Return the preferred name."""
        return self.get_pref_name()

    def extract_id(self, url: str) -> str:
        """Extract the GND-ID from an GND-URL.

        :param url: A GND-URL, e.g. http://d-nb.info/gnd/118650130
        :type url: str

        :raises: GNDIdError if no GND-ID is found.
        :return: The GND-ID, e.g. 118650130
        :rtype: str
        gnd_id = re.search(self.ID_PATTERN, url)
        if gnd_id is None:
            raise GNDIdError(f'Could not find GND-ID in "{url}"')
        return gnd_id.group()

    def get_entity_lobid_url(self, url: str) -> str:
        """creates a lobid-entity URL from an GND-URL

        :param url: A GND-URL, e.g. http://d-nb.info/gnd/118650130
        :type url: str

        :return: A LOBID-ENTITY-URL, e.g. http://lobid.org/gnd/116000562
        :rtype: str
        self.__gnd_id = self.extract_id(url)
        return self.gnd_url

    def get_entity_json(self, url: str = None) -> dict:
        """Get the LOBID-JSON response of a given GND-URL.

        :param url: A GND_URL
        :type url: str, optional

        :raises: GNDNotFoundError, GNDAPIError
        :return: The matching JSON representation fetched from LOBID
        :rtype: dict
        url = self.gnd_url if url is None else self.get_entity_lobid_url(url)
        response = requests.get(url, headers={"Accept": "application/json"})
        if response.status_code == 404:
            raise GNDNotFoundError(
                f'Could not find a GND Entity for ID "{self.gnd_id}"'
        if not response.ok:
            raise GNDAPIError(f"GND API error code: {response.status_code}")
        return response.json()

    def get_same_as(self) -> list:
        """Get the list of alternative norm-data-ids.

        :return: A list of tuples like ('GeoNames', 'http://sws.geonames.org/2782067'),
        :rtype: list
        return [
            (x["collection"].get("abbr", "no_abbr"), x["id"])
            for x in self.ent_dict["sameAs"]

    def get_pref_name(self) -> str:
        """Get the preferred name.

        :return: The preferred Name vale, e.g. 'Assmann, Richard'
        :rtype: str
        result = self.ent_dict.get("preferredName", "")
        return result

    def get_alt_names(self) -> list:
        """Get the list of alternative names.

        :return: a list of alternative names
        :rtype: list
        ent_dict = self.ent_dict
        return next(
            iter([match.value for match in self.pref_alt_names_xpath.find(ent_dict)]),

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.BASE_URL

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<PyLobidClient {self.gnd_url}>"

    def __init__(self, gnd_id: str = None, fetch_related: bool = False) -> None:
        """Class constructor."""
        self.BASE_URL = "http://lobid.org/gnd"
        self.ID_PATTERN = r"([0-9]\w*-*[0-9]\w*)"
        self.coords_xpath = parse("$..hasGeometry")
        self.coords_regex = r"[+|-]\d+(?:\.\d*)?"
        self.pref_alt_names_xpath = parse("$.variantName")
        self.fetch_related = fetch_related
        self.__gnd_id = None
        self.ent_dict = {}

    def process_data(self, gnd_id: str = None, data: dict = None) -> None:
        """Fetch and/or process entity data.

        The arguments `gnd_id` and `data` are mutually exclusive.

        :param gnd_id: any kind of GND_URI/URL
        :type gnd_id: str, optional
        :param data: an already fetched ent_dict
        :type data: dict, optional
        if data is not None and gnd_id is not None:
            raise ValueError("gnd_id and data mutually exclusive parameters")
        if data is not None and "id" in data:
            _ = self.get_entity_lobid_url(data.get("id"))
            self.ent_dict = data
        elif gnd_id is not None:
            _ = self.get_entity_lobid_url(gnd_id)
            self.ent_dict = self.get_entity_json()

alt_names: list property

Return a list of alternative names.

ent_type: list property

Return the entity type.

gnd_id: str property

Return the GND ID, e.g. 118650130.

gnd_url: str property

Return the GND URL e.g. http://d-nb.info/gnd/118650130

is_org: bool property

Return True if this instance is an organization entity, False otherwise.

is_person: bool property

Return True if this instance is a person entity, False otherwise.

is_place: bool property

Return True if this instance is a place entity, False otherwise.

is_work: bool property

Return True if this instance is a work entity, False otherwise.

pref_name: str property

Return the preferred name.

same_as: list property

Return a list of alternative norm-data-ids.

__init__(gnd_id=None, fetch_related=False)

Class constructor.

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def __init__(self, gnd_id: str = None, fetch_related: bool = False) -> None:
    """Class constructor."""
    self.BASE_URL = "http://lobid.org/gnd"
    self.ID_PATTERN = r"([0-9]\w*-*[0-9]\w*)"
    self.coords_xpath = parse("$..hasGeometry")
    self.coords_regex = r"[+|-]\d+(?:\.\d*)?"
    self.pref_alt_names_xpath = parse("$.variantName")
    self.fetch_related = fetch_related
    self.__gnd_id = None
    self.ent_dict = {}


Extract the GND-ID from an GND-URL.

:param url: A GND-URL, e.g. http://d-nb.info/gnd/118650130 :type url: str

:raises: GNDIdError if no GND-ID is found. :return: The GND-ID, e.g. 118650130 :rtype: str

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def extract_id(self, url: str) -> str:
    """Extract the GND-ID from an GND-URL.

    :param url: A GND-URL, e.g. http://d-nb.info/gnd/118650130
    :type url: str

    :raises: GNDIdError if no GND-ID is found.
    :return: The GND-ID, e.g. 118650130
    :rtype: str
    gnd_id = re.search(self.ID_PATTERN, url)
    if gnd_id is None:
        raise GNDIdError(f'Could not find GND-ID in "{url}"')
    return gnd_id.group()


Return a matching instance for the GND URL or ID.

  • Type PlaceOrGeographicName returns a PyLobidPlace instance.
  • Type CorporateBody returns a PyLobidOrg instance.
  • Type Person returns a PyLobidPerson instance.
  • Type Work returns a PyLobidWork instance.
  • All other types a PyLobidPerson instance

:return: An matching object for the GND URL or Id :rtype: PyLobidPlace, PyLobidOrg, PyLobidPerson, PyLobidPerson

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def factory(self):
    """Return a matching instance for the GND URL or ID.

    - Type `PlaceOrGeographicName` returns a `PyLobidPlace` instance.
    - Type `CorporateBody` returns a `PyLobidOrg` instance.
    - Type `Person` returns a `PyLobidPerson` instance.
    - Type `Work` returns a `PyLobidWork` instance.
    - All other types a `PyLobidPerson` instance

    :return: An matching object for the GND URL or Id
    :rtype: `PyLobidPlace`, `PyLobidOrg`, `PyLobidPerson`, `PyLobidPerson`
    if self.ent_dict == {}:
        raise ValueError(f"No data found for {self.gnd_url}")
    if not self.ent_type:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown type for {self.gnd_url}")
    if self.is_person:
        output = PyLobidPerson(gnd_id=None, fetch_related=self.fetch_related)
    elif self.is_org:
        output = PyLobidOrg(gnd_id=None)
    elif self.is_work:
        output = PyLobidWork(gnd_id=None)
    elif self.is_place:
        output = PyLobidPlace(gnd_id=None)
        return self
    return output


Get the list of alternative names.

:return: a list of alternative names :rtype: list

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_alt_names(self) -> list:
    """Get the list of alternative names.

    :return: a list of alternative names
    :rtype: list
    ent_dict = self.ent_dict
    return next(
        iter([match.value for match in self.pref_alt_names_xpath.find(ent_dict)]),


Get the LOBID-JSON response of a given GND-URL.

:param url: A GND_URL :type url: str, optional

:raises: GNDNotFoundError, GNDAPIError :return: The matching JSON representation fetched from LOBID :rtype: dict

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_entity_json(self, url: str = None) -> dict:
    """Get the LOBID-JSON response of a given GND-URL.

    :param url: A GND_URL
    :type url: str, optional

    :raises: GNDNotFoundError, GNDAPIError
    :return: The matching JSON representation fetched from LOBID
    :rtype: dict
    url = self.gnd_url if url is None else self.get_entity_lobid_url(url)
    response = requests.get(url, headers={"Accept": "application/json"})
    if response.status_code == 404:
        raise GNDNotFoundError(
            f'Could not find a GND Entity for ID "{self.gnd_id}"'
    if not response.ok:
        raise GNDAPIError(f"GND API error code: {response.status_code}")
    return response.json()


creates a lobid-entity URL from an GND-URL

:param url: A GND-URL, e.g. http://d-nb.info/gnd/118650130 :type url: str

:return: A LOBID-ENTITY-URL, e.g. http://lobid.org/gnd/116000562 :rtype: str

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_entity_lobid_url(self, url: str) -> str:
    """creates a lobid-entity URL from an GND-URL

    :param url: A GND-URL, e.g. http://d-nb.info/gnd/118650130
    :type url: str

    :return: A LOBID-ENTITY-URL, e.g. http://lobid.org/gnd/116000562
    :rtype: str
    self.__gnd_id = self.extract_id(url)
    return self.gnd_url


Get the preferred name.

:return: The preferred Name vale, e.g. 'Assmann, Richard' :rtype: str

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_pref_name(self) -> str:
    """Get the preferred name.

    :return: The preferred Name vale, e.g. 'Assmann, Richard'
    :rtype: str
    result = self.ent_dict.get("preferredName", "")
    return result


Get the list of alternative norm-data-ids.

:return: A list of tuples like ('GeoNames', 'http://sws.geonames.org/2782067'), :rtype: list

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_same_as(self) -> list:
    """Get the list of alternative norm-data-ids.

    :return: A list of tuples like ('GeoNames', 'http://sws.geonames.org/2782067'),
    :rtype: list
    return [
        (x["collection"].get("abbr", "no_abbr"), x["id"])
        for x in self.ent_dict["sameAs"]

process_data(gnd_id=None, data=None)

Fetch and/or process entity data.

The arguments gnd_id and data are mutually exclusive.

:param gnd_id: any kind of GND_URI/URL :type gnd_id: str, optional :param data: an already fetched ent_dict :type data: dict, optional

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def process_data(self, gnd_id: str = None, data: dict = None) -> None:
    """Fetch and/or process entity data.

    The arguments `gnd_id` and `data` are mutually exclusive.

    :param gnd_id: any kind of GND_URI/URL
    :type gnd_id: str, optional
    :param data: an already fetched ent_dict
    :type data: dict, optional
    if data is not None and gnd_id is not None:
        raise ValueError("gnd_id and data mutually exclusive parameters")
    if data is not None and "id" in data:
        _ = self.get_entity_lobid_url(data.get("id"))
        self.ent_dict = data
    elif gnd_id is not None:
        _ = self.get_entity_lobid_url(gnd_id)
        self.ent_dict = self.get_entity_json()


Bases: PyLobidClient

A python class representing an Organisation Entity.

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
class PyLobidOrg(PyLobidClient):
    """A python class representing an Organisation Entity."""

    def located_in(self) -> list:
        """Return a list of locations."""
        return self.ent_dict.get("placeOfBusiness", [])

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<PyLobidOrg {self.gnd_url}>"

located_in: list property

Return a list of locations.


Bases: PyLobidClient

A python class representing a Person Entity.

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
class PyLobidPerson(PyLobidClient):
    """A python class representing a Person Entity."""

    def get_life_dates(self) -> dict:
        """Get birth- and death dates.

        :return: A dict with keys birth_date_str and death_date_str
        :rtype: dict
        return {
            "birth_date_str": next(iter(self.ent_dict.get("dateOfBirth", [])), ""),
            "death_date_str": next(iter(self.ent_dict.get("dateOfDeath", [])), ""),

    def place_of_values(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> dict:
        """Find values for PlaceOfBirth/Death.

        :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
        defaults to 'Birth'
        :type place_of: str

        :return: The ID of the Place
        :rtype: dict
        value = f"placeOf{place_of}"
        result = self.ent_dict.get(value, False)
        return result[0] if isinstance(result, list) else {}

    def place_of_dict(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> dict:
        """Get the LOBID-JSON of a PlaceOfBirth|Death (if present).

        :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
        defaults to 'Birth'
        :type place_of: str

        :return: The LOBID-JSON of the PlaceOfBirth|Death
        :rtype: dict
        place_id = self.place_of_values(place_of).get("id")
        return {} if place_id is None else PyLobidPlace(place_id).ent_dict

    def get_coords_str(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> str:
        """Get a string of coordinates.

        :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
        defaults to 'Birth'
        :type place_of: str

        :return: A string containing coordinates
        :rtype: str
        place_of_key = "pylobid_born" if place_of == "Birth" else "pylobid_died"
        ent_dict = self.ent_dict.get(place_of_key, {})
        coords_str = f"{[match.value for match in self.coords_xpath.find(ent_dict)]}"
        return coords_str

    def get_coords(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> list:
        """Get a list of coordinates.

        :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
        defaults to 'Birth'
        :type place_of: str

        :return: A list of longitude, latitude coords like ['+009.689780', '+051.210970']
        :rtype: list
        coords_str = self.get_coords_str(place_of=place_of)
        return extract_coords(coords_str)

    def get_place_alt_name(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> list:
        """Get the list of alternative names.

        :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
        defaults to 'Birth'
        :type place_of: str

        :return: a list of alternative names
        :rtype: list
        place_of_key = "pylobid_born" if place_of == "Birth" else "pylobid_died"
        ent_dict = self.ent_dict.get(place_of_key, {})
        return next(
            iter([match.value for match in self.pref_alt_names_xpath.find(ent_dict)]),

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.gnd_url

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<PyLobidPerson {self.gnd_url}>"

    def process_data(self, gnd_id: str = None, data: dict = None) -> None:
        """Fetch and/or process entity data.

        The arguments `gnd_id` and `data` are mutually exclusive.

        :param gnd_id: any kind of GND_URI/URL
        :type gnd_id: str, optional
        :param data: an already fetched ent_dict
        :type data: dict, optional
        super().process_data(gnd_id=gnd_id, data=data)
        if self.ent_dict == {}:
        if self.is_person:
            self.ent_dict.update(pylobid_born={}, pylobid_died={})
        self.pref_name_xpath = parse("$.preferredName")
        if self.fetch_related and self.is_person:
            self.ent_dict["pylobid_born"] = self.place_of_dict()
            if self.place_of_values().get("id", "") == self.place_of_values(
            ).get("id", ""):
                self.ent_dict["pylobid_died"] = self.ent_dict["pylobid_born"]
                self.ent_dict["pylobid_died"] = self.place_of_dict(place_of="Death")

        self.birth_place = {
            "person_id": self.gnd_id,
            "name": self.place_of_values().get("label", ""),
            "id": self.place_of_values().get("id", ""),
            "coords": self.get_coords(),
            "alt_names": self.get_place_alt_name(),
        self.death_place = {
            "person_id": self.gnd_id,
            "name": self.place_of_values(place_of="Death").get("label", ""),
            "id": self.place_of_values(place_of="Death").get("id", ""),
            "coords": self.get_coords(place_of="Death"),
            "alt_names": self.get_place_alt_name(place_of="Death"),
        self.life_span = self.get_life_dates()


Get a list of coordinates.

:param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' defaults to 'Birth' :type place_of: str

:return: A list of longitude, latitude coords like ['+009.689780', '+051.210970'] :rtype: list

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_coords(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> list:
    """Get a list of coordinates.

    :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
    defaults to 'Birth'
    :type place_of: str

    :return: A list of longitude, latitude coords like ['+009.689780', '+051.210970']
    :rtype: list
    coords_str = self.get_coords_str(place_of=place_of)
    return extract_coords(coords_str)


Get a string of coordinates.

:param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' defaults to 'Birth' :type place_of: str

:return: A string containing coordinates :rtype: str

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_coords_str(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> str:
    """Get a string of coordinates.

    :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
    defaults to 'Birth'
    :type place_of: str

    :return: A string containing coordinates
    :rtype: str
    place_of_key = "pylobid_born" if place_of == "Birth" else "pylobid_died"
    ent_dict = self.ent_dict.get(place_of_key, {})
    coords_str = f"{[match.value for match in self.coords_xpath.find(ent_dict)]}"
    return coords_str


Get birth- and death dates.

:return: A dict with keys birth_date_str and death_date_str :rtype: dict

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_life_dates(self) -> dict:
    """Get birth- and death dates.

    :return: A dict with keys birth_date_str and death_date_str
    :rtype: dict
    return {
        "birth_date_str": next(iter(self.ent_dict.get("dateOfBirth", [])), ""),
        "death_date_str": next(iter(self.ent_dict.get("dateOfDeath", [])), ""),


Get the list of alternative names.

:param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' defaults to 'Birth' :type place_of: str

:return: a list of alternative names :rtype: list

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_place_alt_name(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> list:
    """Get the list of alternative names.

    :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
    defaults to 'Birth'
    :type place_of: str

    :return: a list of alternative names
    :rtype: list
    place_of_key = "pylobid_born" if place_of == "Birth" else "pylobid_died"
    ent_dict = self.ent_dict.get(place_of_key, {})
    return next(
        iter([match.value for match in self.pref_alt_names_xpath.find(ent_dict)]),


Get the LOBID-JSON of a PlaceOfBirth|Death (if present).

:param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' defaults to 'Birth' :type place_of: str

:return: The LOBID-JSON of the PlaceOfBirth|Death :rtype: dict

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def place_of_dict(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> dict:
    """Get the LOBID-JSON of a PlaceOfBirth|Death (if present).

    :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
    defaults to 'Birth'
    :type place_of: str

    :return: The LOBID-JSON of the PlaceOfBirth|Death
    :rtype: dict
    place_id = self.place_of_values(place_of).get("id")
    return {} if place_id is None else PyLobidPlace(place_id).ent_dict


Find values for PlaceOfBirth/Death.

:param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' defaults to 'Birth' :type place_of: str

:return: The ID of the Place :rtype: dict

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def place_of_values(self, place_of: str = "Birth") -> dict:
    """Find values for PlaceOfBirth/Death.

    :param place_of: Passed in value concatenates to 'PlaceOfBirth|Death' \
    defaults to 'Birth'
    :type place_of: str

    :return: The ID of the Place
    :rtype: dict
    value = f"placeOf{place_of}"
    result = self.ent_dict.get(value, False)
    return result[0] if isinstance(result, list) else {}

process_data(gnd_id=None, data=None)

Fetch and/or process entity data.

The arguments gnd_id and data are mutually exclusive.

:param gnd_id: any kind of GND_URI/URL :type gnd_id: str, optional :param data: an already fetched ent_dict :type data: dict, optional

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def process_data(self, gnd_id: str = None, data: dict = None) -> None:
    """Fetch and/or process entity data.

    The arguments `gnd_id` and `data` are mutually exclusive.

    :param gnd_id: any kind of GND_URI/URL
    :type gnd_id: str, optional
    :param data: an already fetched ent_dict
    :type data: dict, optional
    super().process_data(gnd_id=gnd_id, data=data)
    if self.ent_dict == {}:
    if self.is_person:
        self.ent_dict.update(pylobid_born={}, pylobid_died={})
    self.pref_name_xpath = parse("$.preferredName")
    if self.fetch_related and self.is_person:
        self.ent_dict["pylobid_born"] = self.place_of_dict()
        if self.place_of_values().get("id", "") == self.place_of_values(
        ).get("id", ""):
            self.ent_dict["pylobid_died"] = self.ent_dict["pylobid_born"]
            self.ent_dict["pylobid_died"] = self.place_of_dict(place_of="Death")

    self.birth_place = {
        "person_id": self.gnd_id,
        "name": self.place_of_values().get("label", ""),
        "id": self.place_of_values().get("id", ""),
        "coords": self.get_coords(),
        "alt_names": self.get_place_alt_name(),
    self.death_place = {
        "person_id": self.gnd_id,
        "name": self.place_of_values(place_of="Death").get("label", ""),
        "id": self.place_of_values(place_of="Death").get("id", ""),
        "coords": self.get_coords(place_of="Death"),
        "alt_names": self.get_place_alt_name(place_of="Death"),
    self.life_span = self.get_life_dates()


Bases: PyLobidClient

A python class representing a Place Entity.

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
class PyLobidPlace(PyLobidClient):
    """A python class representing a Place Entity."""

    def get_coords_str(self) -> str:
        """Get a string of coordinates.

        :return: A string containing coordinates
        :rtype: str
        coords_str = (
            f"{[match.value for match in self.coords_xpath.find(self.ent_dict)]}"
        return coords_str

    def get_coords(self) -> list:
        """Get a list of coordinates.

        :return: A list of longitude, latitude coords like ['+009.689780', '+051.210970']
        :rtype: list
        coords_str = self.get_coords_str()
        return extract_coords(coords_str)

    def coords(self) -> list:
        """Return a list of coordinates."""
        return self.get_coords()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<PyLobidPlace {self.gnd_url}>"

coords: list property

Return a list of coordinates.


Get a list of coordinates.

:return: A list of longitude, latitude coords like ['+009.689780', '+051.210970'] :rtype: list

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_coords(self) -> list:
    """Get a list of coordinates.

    :return: A list of longitude, latitude coords like ['+009.689780', '+051.210970']
    :rtype: list
    coords_str = self.get_coords_str()
    return extract_coords(coords_str)


Get a string of coordinates.

:return: A string containing coordinates :rtype: str

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
def get_coords_str(self) -> str:
    """Get a string of coordinates.

    :return: A string containing coordinates
    :rtype: str
    coords_str = (
        f"{[match.value for match in self.coords_xpath.find(self.ent_dict)]}"
    return coords_str


Bases: PyLobidClient

A python class representing a Work Entity

Source code in pylobid/pylobid.py
class PyLobidWork(PyLobidClient):
    """A python class representing a Work Entity"""

    def creators(self) -> list:
        """provides a list of dicts providing information of all persons
        involved in the creation of the work and their role

            list: _description_
        creators = []
        for y in ["firstAuthor", "author", "firstComposer", "librettist"]:
            for x in self.ent_dict.get(y, []):
                x["role"] = y
        return creators

    def date_of_creation(self) -> str:
        """returns the date of the works creations using `dateOfPublication`
        if `dateOfPublication` is not provided `dateOfProduction` is used

            str: the prodcution or publication date of the work
        date = ""
        for x in ["dateOfPublication", "dateOfProduction"]:
                date = self.ent_dict[x][0]
            except (KeyError, IndexError):
        return date

    def date_of_production(self) -> str:
        """returns the date of the works creations using `dateOfProduction`

            str: the prodcution date of the work
        return self.ent_dict.get("dateOfProduction", [""])[0]

    def date_of_publication(self) -> str:
        """returns the date of the works creations using `dateOfPublication`

            str: the publication date of the work
        return self.ent_dict.get("dateOfPublication", [""])[0]

creators: list property

provides a list of dicts providing information of all persons involved in the creation of the work and their role

  • list( list ) –


date_of_creation: str property

returns the date of the works creations using dateOfPublication if dateOfPublication is not provided dateOfProduction is used

  • str( str ) –

    the prodcution or publication date of the work

date_of_production: str property

returns the date of the works creations using dateOfProduction

  • str( str ) –

    the prodcution date of the work

date_of_publication: str property

returns the date of the works creations using dateOfPublication

  • str( str ) –

    the publication date of the work


some (one) utility function


Utility function to extract coordinates from a (WKT) string

:param some_str: A string providing coordinates :type some_str: str

:return: A list with the coordinates :rtype: list

Source code in pylobid/utils.py
def extract_coords(some_str: str) -> list:
    """Utility function to extract coordinates from a (WKT) string

    :param some_str: A string providing coordinates
    :type some_str: str

    :return: A list with the coordinates
    :rtype: list

    regex = r"[+|-]\d+(?:\.\d*)?"
    matches = re.findall(regex, some_str, re.MULTILINE)
    return matches


WTForms GND validator module.

WTForms GND validator module.


Bases: GNDValidator

Validator for org. entities.

:param: Message to display if validation fails. :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.

Source code in pylobid/validators.py
class GNDOrgEntity(GNDValidator):
    """Validator for org. entities.

    :param: Message to display if validation fails.
    :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.

    def __init__(self, message: str = None) -> None:
        """Class constructor."""
        super().__init__(entity_flag="is_org", message=message)
        self.message = message or "The provided GND ID is not an organization entity"


Class constructor.

Source code in pylobid/validators.py
def __init__(self, message: str = None) -> None:
    """Class constructor."""
    super().__init__(entity_flag="is_org", message=message)
    self.message = message or "The provided GND ID is not an organization entity"


Bases: GNDValidator

Validator class for person entities.

:param: Message to display if validation fails. :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.

Source code in pylobid/validators.py
class GNDPersonEntity(GNDValidator):
    """Validator class for person entities.

    :param: Message to display if validation fails.
    :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.

    def __init__(self, message: str = None) -> None:
        """Class constructor."""
        self.message = message or "The provided GND ID is not a person entity"


Class constructor.

Source code in pylobid/validators.py
def __init__(self, message: str = None) -> None:
    """Class constructor."""
    self.message = message or "The provided GND ID is not a person entity"


Bases: GNDValidator

Validator class for place entities.

:param: Message to display if validation fails. :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.

Source code in pylobid/validators.py
class GNDPlaceEntity(GNDValidator):
    """Validator class for place entities.

    :param: Message to display if validation fails.
    :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.

    def __init__(self, message: str = None) -> None:
        """Class constructor."""
        self.message = message or "The provided GND ID is not a place entity"


Class constructor.

Source code in pylobid/validators.py
def __init__(self, message: str = None) -> None:
    """Class constructor."""
    self.message = message or "The provided GND ID is not a place entity"


Base class for GND validators.

:param: Message to display if validation fails. :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.

Source code in pylobid/validators.py
class GNDValidator:
    """Base class for GND validators.

    :param: Message to display if validation fails.
    :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.

    def __init__(self, entity_flag: str = None, message: str = None) -> None:
        """Class constructor."""
        self.entity_flag = entity_flag
        self.message = message

    def __call__(self, form: wtforms.form.Form, field: GNDWTFormsFields) -> None:
        """Class call method.

        :param form: A WTForms Form instance.
        :param field: A WTForm Form Field instance.
        :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.
            gnd_entity = pylobid.PyLobidClient(field.data).factory()
        except pylobid.GNDIdError as error:
            raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(
                f"{field.data} is not a valid GND Id/URL"
            ) from error
        except pylobid.GNDNotFoundError as error:
            raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(error) from error
        if not gnd_entity.ent_type:
            raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(
                f"Unknown GND type for {gnd_entity.gnd_url}"
        if self.entity_flag is not None and not getattr(
            gnd_entity, self.entity_flag, False
            self.message = f"Entity type {gnd_entity.ent_type}"
            raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(self.message)

__call__(form, field)

Class call method.

:param form: A WTForms Form instance. :param field: A WTForm Form Field instance. :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.

Source code in pylobid/validators.py
def __call__(self, form: wtforms.form.Form, field: GNDWTFormsFields) -> None:
    """Class call method.

    :param form: A WTForms Form instance.
    :param field: A WTForm Form Field instance.
    :raises: ValidationError is the GND type does not match the set entity type.
        gnd_entity = pylobid.PyLobidClient(field.data).factory()
    except pylobid.GNDIdError as error:
        raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(
            f"{field.data} is not a valid GND Id/URL"
        ) from error
    except pylobid.GNDNotFoundError as error:
        raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(error) from error
    if not gnd_entity.ent_type:
        raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(
            f"Unknown GND type for {gnd_entity.gnd_url}"
    if self.entity_flag is not None and not getattr(
        gnd_entity, self.entity_flag, False
        self.message = f"Entity type {gnd_entity.ent_type}"
        raise wtforms.validators.ValidationError(self.message)

__init__(entity_flag=None, message=None)

Class constructor.

Source code in pylobid/validators.py
def __init__(self, entity_flag: str = None, message: str = None) -> None:
    """Class constructor."""
    self.entity_flag = entity_flag
    self.message = message